Sin Responsibly: How to Sin & not Feel Guilty

We are humans

There is so much argument about our origin, source and guess what, we are not about to argue that again. But one thing is sure, every community or culture has some moral laws entrenched into its culture. The content of these laws differ from culture to culture and some are quite similar across all cultures. This is evident in the fact that every country is governed by a constitution.

As the years went by, man evolved. Man became technologically advanced and so intelligent that he begins to make clones of himself, though he lacked the power to give them breath. We all have enjoyed the various benefits of this development. On another hand, man also grew weaker and weaker in his ability to uphold moral laws.

The farther we go into time the more natural, abnormal acts become. In Nigeria for instance, it was morally unwelcome to see a woman expose any part of her cleavage. Time went on.

In 1999, could you ever believe that a guy would puncture his two ears and wear shiny earrings? But it is no longer a big deal. You used a swear word and you are considered a ‘dirty’ person but now people are busy ‘swearing down’ and its all about the trends.

Most of this moral decadence is largely sponsored by corporate organisations, directly or indirectly.

The Breweries

Over the years, we have realised that Alcohol’s impact on your body starts from the moment you take your first sip. While an occasional glass of wine with dinner isn’t a cause for concern, the cumulative effects of drinking wine, beer, or spirits can take its toll. But the Breweries need to make gains, so they invest heavily in adverts and simply put at the end ‘Drink Responsibly’. And then when people drink, they begin to accumulate a lot of negative effects.


We are not even arguing about whether a Christian should drink or not. Obviously, the effects of drunkenness are always sinful so why indulge in it? There is the idea of  ‘well, I can drink without being drunk’ but that hardly happens. As seen in the text above, every sip of alcohol you take as an accumulating effect on your body. Again, when people drink, they insult, some get involved in domestic violence, some say words they would never have said in their right minds. Drinking is largely just the beginning of many acts. This is not a polemic arguing that you shouldn’t drink, it is rather a criticism of how we massively promote drinking on the street, on the tv, on large billboards and we add a little text ‘drink responsibly’ just to fulfil all our righteousness.  How sarcastic! We really don’t want people to drink responsibly, if we do, we would organise conferences and seminars on the negative effects of drinking and the positives if it has any. We would share brochures that would educate people, but we need money so the truth has to be shelved. We have become experts in doing morally degrading things in a corporate manner.

The Smokies

The tobacco products are mandated by the Federal Republic of Nigerian to put a healthy warning on their products ‘Smokers are liable to die young’. Yet the companies need to make sales, its another instance of fulfilling ‘all righteousness’. They subtly promote their brand names since they are banned from advertizing their products and do everything possible to reach every community with the ‘sticks’. Even in communities that are not motorable, you would find a pack of cigarette.

The Climax

The most ironic of all

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