The Absoluteness of Truth

Truth is absolute. By this, I mean that there is an outright fact about every entity that exists in the universe. There is one true conclusive part to every argument, regardless of the logic employed in the argument or the facts upon which the argument is based. There are no mystical truths that nobody can know, not every argument is to be left dangling without conclusion just because nobody has the right data to verify what the real truth is.
Even when we may not be able to ascertain the truth, the truth remains that there is a truth to every topic, concept or subject whether we can know it or we know it or not. An inability to arrive at the truth does not enable an assumption to become the incumbent or present truth. Only the truth can be the king and can therefore rule. Truth brings freedom, power, and a reign of righteousness. The reign of righteousness will seamlessly usher in a utopian world for all humanity. Only the archenemy of truth will be in pain.

We are gradually gravitating into a world everything is relative and absolute it becoming obsolete in our universal lexicon. Nobody wants to proclaim the outright truth and everyone wants to have their individual truth.
Truths are like principles and laws, they don’t change because of circumstances rather situations weave themselves around them. It is a lazy and ungodly attitude to settle for an opinion and not the truth just because you want to avoid the rigorous process of digging out a truth. Truth most times is not at the surface.
The archenemy of man the Devil, has over the years of man mastered the art of concealing the truth in falsehood, he molds a tasty chocolate cake around a ball of poison. ‘Lie’ never proclaims himself a ‘lie’, he always lies that he is the truth.
For a man to come into the full essence of his existence he must believe that there are outright truths concerning any matter, and nothing must he believe except the truth. The journey to finding out truth does not happen merely in the boat of a human brain, even if that has its part, there are some truths that are beyond the human intellect and can only be arrived at while we soar on the wings of the immortal one – the very core of knowledge. The one who sits at the very center of all knowledge, He knows all things, He created all things and He has all things.

This very one who is the final hope of all arguments, the judge of all truths has even been a subject of debate, does He exist? Does he not exist? Many people have argued over His existence for centuries now. Some are even agnostic, they neither believe that He exists or He does not exist. This is a fundamental problem because there has to be a central measurement by which truth will be ascertained. It is just like we can have a line without a starting point.
As Christians, our status is clear. We know God exists, He lives in us and we live in Him. It is, therefore, possible for us to know the absolute truth. He has given us every information that we need to know in the Holy Bible. Sometimes our interpretations might not be true but He has given us His Holy Spirit to help interpret the scriptures. We must have a stance, we should be on the fence being neither here nor there. God expects to seek the truth and find it out. The very beginning of truth is Jesus Christ himself, He said in the book of John 14:6 that He is the Truth. Knowing Jesus is the beginning of knowing the truth and every other truth revolves around Him. Jesus Christ is not a historical fictive character, He is a real person who has all things in Him. He created all things and all things consist by Him. Jesus Christ has a definite identity that we can easily describe, so must every truth be. Truth should not be rewritten or remodeled to different situations. Truth is not subject to weather, it is like the sun that determines what the weather should be like just like Jesus is the sun.
For a Christian, every truth must measure with Jesus and conform to the identity of Jesus. I say again, we can know the truth and the truth that we know shall set us free. Jesus said so in John 8:32, Jesus said ‘the truth’ not a truth. If it were not possible Jesus wouldn’t have said. Some Christians play safe about the subject of the god Muslims server and the God Christians serve being the same. They believe what is convenient for the moment, they say in the presence of fellow Christians ‘our God is greater than that of every other religion’ but in the presence of the Muslim they say ‘we serve the same God’. This is not true, there is the truth and Jesus Christ said it clearly ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life no one can come to the Father except through me’. This is just an example, Jesus had a definite answer to every question and so should we be. Sometimes, we say somethings are mysterious but this is not true see what Paul says:

Col 1:26-28
The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

The mystery that has been hidden from men has now been revealed unto us. There is nothing we cannot know because the truth lives in us. We may not know somethings at the moment but as we walk with the Holy Spirit and depend on Him we begin to discover truths. Knowing the truth does not rest only in the confines of our doctrines in Christianity, we must also find out the truth in every area of life in which we find ourselves. Christians should not passive or mediocrely, we must find out the truth in politics, in health, in the economy, in finance as it aligns with the Word of God says.

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