How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024

Can you build a successful blog as a mum of 2, 3, or even 4 children?


Any mum can build and run a successful blog in 2024. While your toddler or sucking child is well cared for, you can make money from blogging.

In this post, I’ll show you some women like you who are crushing it. Some of them are not stay-at-home moms, they work, blog, and take care of their homes.

I will tell you everything you need to get started and the easiest route you should take to build a successful blog in this year.

What Kind of Blog should you create?

This is one of the most important questions you will need to answer. The answer will be dependent on what you want to achieve with the blog.

Why do you want to start a blog?

There are various reasons why a busy mum would like to start a blog. Some of them are:

  1. To express herself
  2. To help others with something she is passionate about
  3. To make money

1. Blogging for Self-expression

You may want to start a blog just for you to have somewhere, where you let out your heart or give your opinion about a subject matter. For example, your opinion about marriage or about how parents raise their children in the USA. If this is what you want to achieve, then you don’t need to think too hard. You can proceed to the section about choosing a domain name.

2. Blogging to Help Others

It’s possible you discovered a secret that many people don’t know. You want the whole world to know what it is as it will solve a huge problem that has lingered for a long time. You don’t really care about money, you just want to provide a solution. This kind of blogging also doesn’t require much thinking, but if your reason is neither of these two, then it has to be for making money.

3. Blogging for Make Money

You want to blog for money. Yeah, many women have done this successfully and many have failed. According to Ahrefs, only about 6%–10% of bloggers make over $10K a month.

To make money from blogging you need to understand how blogs make money and how you plan to make money from your blog even before starting the blog.

It’s like moving from the future into the present or moving from the end to the beginning. That doesn’t make sense, right? I’ll explain.

Many first-time bloggers including me make the mistake of just starting a blog based on their area of expertise or passion without having a solid plan of how they intend to monetize it, thinking that somehow or the other, they’ll figure out a way to make money from it. Even if that works eventually, you’re not going to be making the best out of the site.

For example, if you have a blog that gets about 100k visitors monthly and the majority of them are from Asian or African countries, you will have a limited amount of Display Ads companies to work with (we’ll talk about Display Ads shortly). And that will limit your revenue. Mediavine which is one of the highest-paying Ads companies will not accept you into their program. You will have to go with either Adsense or Ezoic, they both offer a lower income compared to Mediavine. In fact, Adsense’s revenue is like peanuts except you get millions of views monthly.

So for you to start making money early, you need something that will meet the Ads requirements of companies like Mediavine or Raptive. One of the major factors is:


The highest-earning blogs offer answers to users in the United States. This is not about where you live, I know a few bloggers in the US who complain of receiving the majority of their visitors are from Asian countries, and because of that, they earn low revenue. The internet is about content, the users you provide answers to are the ones that will come to your site. If you answer questions that people ask in the US, for example, ‘Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe’, you’ll get visitors from the US. But if you provide answers on ‘turkey breast nutrition’ you’ll get visitors from anywhere in the world because this is not particular to any country.

By the way, there is no issue with answering questions (also known as keywords on search engines) people ask from Asia or Africa, the only challenge is the Ad revenue that comes from that is low. So it’s not the best when you’re monetizing with Ads but can work with some other monetization methods.

Why doesn’t it work?

Because advertisers or companies in Africa and Asia pay less to advertise, in other words, they have a lower Ad budget when compared to those in the US. This eventually affects what publishers pay site owners.

So let’s talk about how monetization affects your choice of what to blog about, also known as a niche.

How do you want to monetize your site?

There are 3 major ways people monetize their blogs:

  1. Display Ads
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Sales of Services or Digital Products
  4. Flipping

Let’s take a look at 3 of them briefly.

1. Display Ads

This is one of the most popular ways you can monetize a blog.

With this method, you act as a middleman between advertisers and advertising companies. Brands like to get visibility for their products/services and get more sales. They go to Advertising companies like Google Ads or Mediavine.

Google Ads in turn place ad banners on the sites that are signed up with them.

The owner of the sites gets rewarded either when users see the ads or click the ads.

Each program has its own system of rewards. The popular ones are Cick Per Click (CPC) or Cost Per One Thousand Impressions (CPM).


This is the system that pays the site owners when users click on the Ads. The more clicks on Ads, the more money you make. If 50k users visit your site and don’t click on any ads you make $0.


CPM is used when site owners (also known as publishers) are paid for every 1000 views an ad receives. With this method, users don’t need to click on the ad for you to get paid. Some Ad companies that offer this reward system are Mediavine, Raptive, Monumetric, Ezoic, etc.

Sometimes both of these methods are used.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is simply helping users make a decision on what to buy by referring them to some online stores, who will in turn reward you with a commission.

You can refer them by creating product reviews, comparing different products, or doing product roundups.

In this monetization method, you will have to signup for each program you want to market for.

Affiliate marketing is not as traffic-intensive as Display Ads but you still need some traffic.

For best results, you’ll have to actually buy the products to review them. Users prefer reviewers with first-hand experience.

So this may be a little expensive to run depending on the niche you would like to go into.

3. Sales of Services or Digital Products

The third most common way people make money from blogs is to sell a service they render or sell digital products they have created.

As a counselor, you can use your blog to sell booking appointments. This doesn’t mean the only thing that will be on your site is a booking appointment form. You’ll have to write some blog content on your site to drive traffic, then while users get to see your expertise through the information you’ve provided, they can decide to pay for your service.

You can also sell books, templates, subscriptions, etc.


This simply means to sell. If for some reason, you’re not able to continue your site you can sell it. There are several online platforms where you can sell a site but the easiest I know is I have sold up to 4 sites as of today and I sold them all on Flippa. Some sites are not just sellable and that’s why we’re talking about this before you choose a niche. Sites with global or US-relevant content are easier to flip. Sites built on your name or personal brand will hardly get sold.


How do all these affect your niche selection?

Knowing the possible ways of monetizing your blog will give you an idea of the possibility of a niche generating income. There are some niches that can work only with Ads, some can work with both affiliate marketing and Ads. For example, if you’re to start a site about mathematical calculators, there are very few products you can recommend relating to that. You will have to rely on display ads to make money and that means you will need at least 50, 000 views monthly to make something reasonable.

Meanwhile, there are some niches that will earn you a lot with affiliate marketing just with 10k monthly views.

Back to the question –

“What Kind of Blog should you create?”

By now, you would have been able to answer the question – Why do you want to start a blog?

Regardless of what your reason is, let me work you through a simple process of choosing a niche.

Get a notepad and a pen, or open a notepad on any of your computers (phone, laptop, or desktop).

We’re about to do a brainstorm so be wild with the answers, no need to be careful.

Brainstorm Questions

1. Do you have a degree or diploma certification? If yes, write it down.

2. What topics or subjects are you enthusiastic about?

3. What are your hobbies?

You have all your answers, right?

Now this doesn’t mean you’ll have to start a blog in any of the areas you wrote down. When it comes to making blogging, you can even be very successful in a niche you are not familiar with. But you’ll find out the reason for this brainstorm and how it is also possible to start a site in a niche that you’re not an expert at.

The blogging industry is not new.

There are thousands of blogs that have existed for decades now. Several pieces of research have been conducted to discover the most successful niches. We’ll discuss some of them and then match them up with the ideas you have written down.

Most Successful Niches by RankIQ

According to research carried out by Brandon Gaille the top most profitable blogging niches are:

  1. Food
  2. Personal Finance
  3. Lifestyle/Mommy
  4. Travel

Brandon Gaille is a pro blogger who earns 6 figures through blogging.

He also found out that the niches with the highest traffic are.

  1. Food
  2. Lifestyle/Mom
  3. Travel
  4. Arts/Crafts
  5. Outdoors
  6. Beauty/Fashion
  7. Personal Finance
  8. Homeschool
  9. Pets
  10. Gardening
  11. Decorating
  12. Health/Fitness
  13. Tech

If possible, these are the niches you should work around.

Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing by Ahrefs

According to Ahrefs, these are the best affiliate marketing niches:

  1. Home goods: Vacuum cleaners
  2. Travel: Hotels with jacuzzis
  3. Parenting: Travel car seats
  4. Sports: Golf equipment
  5. Tech: Earbuds and headphones
  6. Sustainability: Zero waste
  7. Automotive: Car audio equipment
  8. Music: Guitars
  9. Hobbies: Woodworking
  10. Gardening: DIY tiny space gardening

Interestingly, we find 2 niches that are overlapping in the 2 lists – Travel and Parenting.

So what next, you can approach it in 3 different ways.

1. Find an Overlap between your interests and the top profitable ones.

Is there any area you wrote on your list that is similar or somehow related to any of the top lucrative niches mentioned above?

If one exists you need to find an entry point that is best for you. These niches are highly competitive but with some keyword research, you may find something for you to start with. We’ll talk about keyword research soon.

For example, if you like making recipes, that’s a clear overlap with the food niche we have on Brandon’s list.

The next work will be to discover what kind of recipes you can create and get traffic for.

If there is no overlapping interest, you can either:

2. Go with any of the items on your list that you like best.

On your brainstormed list. Which of the topics interests you the most?

If you have mathematics as a hobby, that is not on our list of lucrative niches. But we have Personal finance, which somehow involves some mathematics in calculating taxes, budgeting, etc. You can look at creating a blog around calculators for personal finances or even teaching how to do some simple calculations.

Sometimes, you don’t get a full picture of how this will work. You just need to get a tiny space to step your foot and before long, you’ll be running.

You will still need to do some research to find out if there are enough content opportunities for you to make money from. Alternatively, you can go for the next option.

3. Go with Money

There may be nothing on your list that is related to anything on the list of lucrative niches.

You’re free to choose any of the niches that you have the least indifference towards.

With this, you will have to rely heavily on writers. But you have a higher chance of making money from it.

Adam Enfroy, one of the highly successful bloggers teaches that you make the best out of blogging when you treat it as a business.

However, if you have a low budget, this may not work for you.

My Opinion

I have been blogging since 2019 and I have had some failures and some successes.

The blogs I did out of sheer passion have not produced as much money as the ones I did strictly to make money.

If you want to make money from blogging, you have to in one way or the other, find a niche no matter how far or how close that is related to the top lucrative niches. For a start choose something that can either:

  1. Write about
  2. or learn about something you can write

Except you are cool with paying writers for about 1 year of content.

For more ideas, you can try some ready-made ideas.

Niche Selection

There are some bloggers that curate niche ideas you can choose from or use to vet your ideas.


Glen Allsopp curates a list of the top 50 blogs in each industry here. The industries he covers her indicators of the most successful niches. In addition to that, you see what the most successful blogs in each industry are doing.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024

2. Keyword Chef

Keyword Chef is a keyword research tool. In addition to keyword research, they also offer Niche Insights. With this tool, you can type in your keyword of interest and it will give you some data.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024

If you sign up for a free account, you can use the Niche Insight function.


This site was designed just to help you find a new niche to start. But it costs $97. However, you can use the free version to see about 4 -6 results.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024


This site collates low-competition niches. They have some list on their site already and you can subscribe to their newsletter to get the latest updates.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024

After going through all of these, you definitely would have found a niche you want to work with.

Vetting your chosen niche

You sure have about 3 – 5 niches you’ll be interested in by now.

Finding a niche is one thing, getting the content idea to write is another.

This is how blogging works, the more traffic you have, the more potential to make money. And content brings traffic. So you need a niche (site focus) that has at least 100 topics you can write about.

You may not have 100 topics at the beginning but there should be some indications that the content base can expand.

In blogging, a common word you will hear often is ‘keyword’.

In simple terms, keywords are search terms users type in to find answers on Search Engines.

The more you’re able to answer those search questions, the more traffic you get. The response users look forward to getting is called search intent.

So how do you find those keywords?

By doing

Keyword Research

You will need to find out what people are searching for in your prospective niches. Google is the biggest search engine so you should concentrate your effort on finding out what people search on it.

How do you do that? There are some high-end Keyword software that can help you with that, but since your budget might be small I will show you what you can do for free.

1. Google Search Result Page

When you input a search term into the Google search bar, you will observe that Google begins to suggest some other terms for you to search. Those are some of the related terms people are searching. On the search results page, you will also a ‘People also ask’ section at the bottom of the page.

The only challenge with these keywords is that you don’t know how often people search them on a monthly basis, and you need that to make a decision. Don’t worry, we’ll fix it in the next tool.

2. Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator

The main Ahrefs Keyword Research Tool costs about $100 monthly but they offer a free keyword generator that allows you to generate about 100 keywords and see the search volume for all of them.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024

Try it here.

These are a few terms you need to understand while using the tool.

a. Keyword Difficulty:

This is a rating over 100. The higher the number is, the more difficult it is for you to get traffic on search engines to them. If a keyword has about 70 – 99 keyword difficulty they are competitive and more established blogs already have traffic for them. I will suggest making a list of keywords with a difficulty of 0 – 15. You can use a Google Spreadsheet to make a list.

b. Volume

Volume is an estimate of how many times a keyword gets searched on a monthly basis. Ideally, your goal is to get keywords that have a high search volume but a low keyword difficulty. For a new site, if you find keywords with 10 -100 volume go for them. Sometimes in real life, the volume is more than what the software estimates.

Most established sites will ignore such and they will be helpful to you in making your sites known to search engines.

So I’ll leave the other terms for now, you’ll understand them as you progress.

You can keep on trying different keywords in the Ahrefs Free keyword Generator until you find some low-competition keywords. It’s free to try with different keyword combinations. Make your search terms longer as you try over and over.

For example, if your first search term is ‘school bags for kids, the second can be ‘ergonomic school bags for kids’, and on and on it goes.

But if you want something more, check the next tool.

3. Ubersuggest

As a disclaimer, I am not an affiliate of Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest they don’t have an affiliate program. This tool is by far the cheapest SEO tool that offers this quality of SEO functions. I use this tool together with Ahref’s Free Tool and it has given me great results.

The truth is in the long run, you will still have to subscribe to a keyword tool. You cannot do without keyword research. It is a major backbone to your success in blogging.

What if there is a way you can pay $40 for life and you will never have to pay for a keyword research tool all through your blogging journey? Well, that is my experience. The cheapest Ubersuggest sub costs $12 monthly, but I have a tip for getting their lifetime sub legitimately for just $40.

Enter your email below and I’ll send you the information.

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If you’re not interested in buying a tool yet, it’s fine, you can go ahead with the keyword you got from the other tool.

I actually use both together. Ubersuggest also offers both a free version and a 7-day trial. The paid Ubersuggest offers you more keywords at a search, you can take some of the keywords into the free Ahref tool for even more keywords.

Once you have a list of about 100 low-competition keywords, then you have a niche.

Congratulations, you have successfully taken the first major step.

Money Making Blog Niche Selection Checklist

  1. Choose a niche you can manage to edit the content, even if you cannot write the posts.
  2. Choose a niche that some keyword volumes from the United States.
  3. Choose a niche that has a minimum of 50 – 100 keywords.
  4. Choose a niche that can be related to one of the top lucrative niches.
  5. Choose a niche you can build a flippable site on.

Once you have done all these, discuss your new niche idea with friends and family to hear what they think.

Choosing a Domain Name

This is another big step that will determine the success you will get.

Your domain name is the address on which your new site will sit.

  1. The best domains are short, simple, and easy to remember
  2. It’s okay to go for a longer name when all the short variations have been taken.
  3. Avoid using domain names with a hyphen.
  4. If you plan to sell the site later in the future, don’t use your personal name.
  5. Your domain name should not be too specific. For example, if you want to write about children’s school bags, you should not have Your domain name can be
  6. You can read more about descriptive domains and brandable domains.

As a first-time blogging mum, I suggest you buy your domain from

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024

Namecheap domains are cheaper. I use them for all my projects. Aside from the affordability they offer domain privacy for free which other companies charge for. Domain privacy protects the identity of the owner from public access.

You can get a domain for as low as $5.98 as a new client.

The next thing to do is to buy a hosting.


There are several hosting companies you can choose from. I’ve tried just 2 of them – Siteground and A2 Hosting. A2 Hosting is by far the cheapest for the kind of service they offer.

For as cheap as $36, your site will be hosted on a high-speed server. I use A2 Hosting for this site and some other sites I own.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024

You’re free to check out some others, but this is my favorite.

Building the Site

There are several methods of building your site, but I will just go straight to the honest truth.

WordPress is the best and easiest for a busy mum like you.

It has a lot of free tools for you to use.

A lot of people use it so you have massive support as you go.

You have 2 options.

You either:

  1. Build it yourself or
  2. hire someone to help you.

Since you’re just starting, it’s cheaper you build yourself.

There are a lot of tutorials on YouTube you can watch and learn from.

I learned WordPress myself and I am not a programmer, several others have.

All you need to get started is an laptop and an internet access. You can get a Chromebook, it works well for blogging – I use one myself.

WordPress has some predesigned templates with amazing looks and feels that you can start with.

I use a theme called GeneratePress for all my projects.

I use it because:

  1. It has a lot of documentation
  2. It is one of the top 10 fastest themes.
  3. It is compatible with many plugins
  4. It is easy to use.

Check it out here.

Other good themes are Kadence, Astra, etc.

Hire Someone

There are a lot of WordPress Experts who will be glad to help you build your site.

Fiverr has many of them that you can work with at a very affordable rate.

Check a few of them here.

Securing your site

Once you get your hosting, and domain name and installed a WordPress theme, the next important thing you should do is to secure your site. This is the same thing I do. Here are some steps you should take to secure your site.

1. Install Wordfence

Wordfence is a WordPress plugin that helps you secure your site from hackers and malware.

It’s the first plugin you should install once your site is live.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum in 2024
  1. In the Wordfence settings, make sure you enable 2-factor authentication for logging in to the site.
  2. Lock out users with invalid usernames. (Check out the Wordfence site for more information on this).
  3. Check out some security optimization tips here.

2. Install WPS Login

The default WordPress login URL is

This is the same for all WordPress sites and many hackers know that.

This plugin helps you change your login URL to anything you want.

It makes it a bit more difficult for hackers to get to your login page and attempt different password + username combinations.

Download the plugin here.

Starting your Search Engine Optimization

To ensure your site gets some good traffic from Search Engines, there are some basic things you need to do immediately after you launch your site.

1. Create a Google Search Console Account

Google Search Console is a platform by Google that helps you track keywords on Google. It shows you the keywords that bring people to your site and some keywords you can potentially rank for.

Click here to signup on Google Search Console.

2. Create a Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics helps you measure the traffic to your site.

It shows you where your users are coming from, their demographics, and a bunch of other information to help you in creating more content.

After signing up, install the MonsterInsights plugin to connect your site with Google Analytics.

3. Install an SEO Plugin

Use either Yoast or Rankmath. I use Yoast for all my projects. Make sure you enable ‘sitemap generation’.

How to Start a Blog as a Busy Mum of Toddlers

Click on ‘Save Changes’.

Copy the Sitemap URL.

Submit it in Google Search Console.

Creating Content

Content is what drives traffic, the more content you have, the more potential of making money you have.

I said ‘potential’ because it is not always the same.

Some content will not generate money if they are not offering any answers people asking.

And that is why we did some keyword research earlier.

Nowadays, content creation has become easier, with so many AI tools that can write long-form blog posts in a few minutes.

You have 3 options for creating content on your site.

  1. Write them yourself
  2. Use AI
  3. Hire a writer

Writing by Yourself

This is the cheapest option, but as a mum, you may not have sufficient time to do that.

You need as much content as you can get especially in the first 6 months of your site’s launch.

Make sure your content is easy to read and they have correct grammar. For correctness, I use a browser extension called Grammarly. The free version is quite good.

You can sign up here.

Whether you write the content yourself, use AI, or hire someone to write, you will need to edit the content eventually.

I recommend this post by Brian Dean a guide on how to write and this on On-page SEO.

Before you digest all those, here are a few this for you.

  1. Make your sentences as short as possible.
  2. Make your content skimable, with a lot of headings.
  3. Go straight to the point, no fluff.
  4. Write with simple and clear language.
  5. Avoid commas as much as you can. This helps you keep your sentences short.

Alternatively, you can use some AI tools to write and then edit them heavily before posting them.

Writing with AI

I don’t have much experience with this because I either write myself or hire someone to help.

However, I have a few posts written with Koala Writer. It is quite affordable and the quality is really good, very close to human writing. I have also used Agility Writer, It is good for long-form content, but in terms of quality, I prefer Koala Writer.

If you want to write with AI, I recommend Koala. Over time, you can try out different AI writing tools and see which works best for you.

Sign up for Koala Writer here.

Some niches work well with AI-written content while there do not.

The next option is the most lucrative and least stressful but it will cost you some bucks.

Hire a Writer

There are a lot of freelancers who can write for any niche you can think of.

One of the best places to hire freelancers is Upwork.

You can also check in your locality if there are people you know who can help with writing.

Keep Learning

The journey to success in blogging requires you to keep on learning and learning.

There are some bloggers who have achieved success and they share some tips on their Social Media space.

I will advise that you follow some of them, especially on Twitter.

Here are a few for you to get started with.

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Now let’s talk about women who have achieved success with blogging.

Successful Blogging Mums

This list is not exhaustive, these are just the ones I can lay my hands on at the moment.

1. Stephanie Oswald

Stephanie is the owner of

She is a mother of 4 who blogs about parenting.

Stephanie’s site is largely successful from all indications.

Her site is monetized with Raptive – an Ad network that only admits sites with a minimum of 100, 000 monthly pageviews. So her site gets at least 100k pageviews monthly.

If her busy schedule didn’t stop her from achieving that, you can as well be a successful blogging mum.

2. Anne Moss

Anne Moss is a highly experienced blogging mum. She is a mum of 2 but she is stupendously successful.

Together with her husband, they own dozens of niche sites with thousands of blog posts.

Anne Moss is an amazing woman to learn from. She has a newsletter and she shares tips on her Twitter account.

If you would like to ride on the shoulders of someone who has had years of experience, I recommend subscribing to her newsletter and following her on Twitter.

3. Niche Site Lady

Niche Site Lady is a successful female blogger who also has children.

While we can talk a little bit about her career from information on her Social Media space, she is currently anonymous.

For some reason, she has chosen to hide her identity.

She has a couple of sites, one of them in the Travel niche.

You can follow her on Twitter to learn more from her.

She also offers a weekly detailed newsletter, where she breaks down her income report.

Busy Mums Can Make Money from Blogging

Thank you for taking the time to read this far.

As you’ve seen, it is possible for you to start a blog this year and begin achieving some levels of success.

Don’t give up too early, blogging takes time.

It should take about 6 months to 1 year before you begin to see some results.

If you’re too bus, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Use Virtual Assistants. There are a lot of them on Fiverr and Upwork
  2. Use AI. There are several AI tools to help with different aspects of blogging. Just Google them.
  3. Refuse to accept any excuse, you’ve got the inner power to do anything you choose to regardless of your schedule.

You’re unique and I may not be able to offer a piece of advice that may work for you perfectly but if you have the passion and the drive to do this, you will definitely find a way to make it work.

You will be surprised at what you can do.

I wish you the best in your blogging journey.

Happy blogging.